answer the croosword puzzle

2.This is a condition where a person's height is too low for his/her age.
4. This measurment tells whether a person is too heavy or not for his/her age.
5. A condition where one is dangerously thin but not necessarily short. This is caused by recent deprivation of food.
7. This measurrment tells whether a persons stature is normal or stunted.
8. This happens when the body receives too much nutrients
9. Children with this kind of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) are described as "skin and bones".

1. This happens when the body does not receive enough nutrients.
3. Children with this kind of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) have thin arms and swollen abdomens.
6. Micronubrient_____is a condition where the body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals.

Answer The Croosword PuzzleAccross 2This Is A Condition Where A Persons Height Is Too Low For Hisher Age 4 This Measurment Tells Whether A Person Is Too Heavy O class=