Sagot :
From two blind women
This is the story
There were, it is said, two blind women who had no food. They begged at the houses of their neighbors, but they were driven away.
When they had no food for a long time, they decided to run away from their homes, because they were afraid that their bodies might be mutilated when they were dead. They started off, and walked a long distance. One day they arrived at a large rock, where they fell down.
They tried to stand again, but could not. Then in a moment the rock opened, and a young woman came out of it who took them with her; she took them where there was an old woman. She made them eat. When they had finished, she asked one what she needed. She answered, “I am hungry. I need food.”
She gave her a sack of rice and said, “Take this, because you can be kept alive by it as long as you live.” Then she asked the other one what she wished; and she answered, “I wish for water because I am thirsty.” She gave that one a bottle of water, and said, “Take this because you can be kept alive by it as long you live.”
When they had taken them in their hands, they went home and were never again hungry or thirsty. Then after a long time, they thought that it was probably bad for them to keep for themselves what had been given them by the old woman. They decided it would probably be well to give a part to their neighbors.
The one who had taken the rice took a handful and sowed it; and when it was harvested, she gave it to the people. After that they also planted it, and there was much rice. The one who took the bottle of water poured it out, and it became the origin of small streams.