Sagot :
Answer: OPTION 1
Today we gathered here to pay homage to the ones who gave away their lives to safeguard ours. As all of you know, we have gathered here today, to commemorate our freedom fighters, their victories, and their sacrifices in the freedom struggle. I am glad that our respected Principal has asked me to say a few words on patriotism today in front of you all.
So, when we have to talk about the freedom struggle and patriotism a few names naturally come to our minds, but today I like like to put talk more about the one whose names are not well known. We hear a great deal about leaders who hold the baton and took the fight forward, but in highlighting the greatness often to tend to overlook the simple the natural and yet complex of all, nature of humans. We always talk about the leaders, but what makes a leader, if not his followers. A struggle that took the lives of thousands, yet we tend to glorify only a few. If we want to show love to our country and its people, we need to recognize the importance of acknowledgment. We the people need to show gratitude towards not just the one who is being talked about, instead we need to dig deep to find the unsung heroes or heroines.
Here, I am not trying to deteriorate any individual or question the leadership of any, but instead, I want to focus on the fact that when we see a glorified individual or say a hero/ heroine, it is more often a team effort. We need to recognize team efforts and focus our energy on building teams. It’s good to have leadership quality, but what good a leader is without his/her team.
So for me, patriotism is more of the celebration of a team irrespective of political, geographical, religious, racial, and various other differences. And today, on this proud day, I urge my students to shift their energy from individuals to groups, towards collaboration. As rightly said together, we stand, divided we fall. Hence, patriotism is the togetherness, the zeal, the efforts we put towards our fellow companion in times of distress and in times of prosperity.
So I would like to conclude my speech on the note of togetherness. And would request all present here on this great day to think about the importance of collectivity and how it is going to impact us and with genuine patriotism, we humans as a whole can do wonders.
Thank you for your time. I wish you all a great life ahead!
Explanation: option 2
As you all know that today is the day we had received our independence from the British in 1947. And like every year, today also we all gathered here to celebrate the day and to pay tribute to our freedom fighters, all the great people for their sacrifice and to learn from their patriotism, their sheer love towards the country.
I am truly honoured to get this opportunity to speak on patriotism on this very day. A country like India with such huge human resources, there’s nothing that we cannot achieve as a country. What we need is to infuse the youth with the right form of patriotism. So what is Patriotism? Answer to that is nothing but love and the zeal to do something towards your countrymen. I have always believed in the good of this great land and forever thankful to the ones that have sacrificed their lives so that we could breathe independently. Great people like Mahatma Gandhi, Rajguru and Sukhdev, Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Shahid Bhagat Singh, Lala Lajpat Rai, and many more saints struggled for this day. So we must honour their sacrifice and work every day towards making this great country even more significant.
Often we get to see the young generations speaking ill about the country, and they don’t appreciate the hardship the struggle our forefathers went through so that we could be finally independent. It’s high time we recognize the sacrifice and focus our energy towards building this great nation of ours.
Patriotism is not just sharing a post on your social media handle; it is instead of how we act towards the need of our fellow countrymen. It is the efforts on the ground we put into making this country more exceptional in all possible aspects; patriotism is loving your country and proving it time and again. When you are a patriot, you need to demonstrate it by your actions, and this is our prime duty as a citizen of this great country. It is the call we all need to answer, and we need to prove why we deserve the country we need to make my freedom fighters proud in heaven. The sacrifices they have done for us cannot go to waste.
So, on this very day, I would urge all of you to act, to recognize the sacrifice and do the needful whenever you see an opportunity to prove your love for the country do it. The country needs our love and sacrifice to grow and prosper, and it is our duty to do the needful.