The earth's climate is getting warmer and tge signs are everywhere.Rain patterns are changing,sea level is rising and snow and ice cream are melting sooner in the spring. As a global temparatures continue to rise, we'll see more changes in our climate and our environment. These changes will affect people, animals and ecosystem in many ways.

1. What have you learn from the selection you have read?

2. Who are the most affected from these changes?

3.As a student how can you contribute to lessen the effect of these changes?

Sagot :


1. That the earth’s climate is getting out of hand and we should be aware of that.

2. Us humans and animals. Our mother earth, land and other living things. And the world we live in.

3. Being aware is already a big contribute. By that, we can avoid and stop the things we should have stop a long time ago to save our mother earth.