II. Multiple Choice: Choose the plotted excerpts or lines from Carlos bulosa
situations influenced and reflected his ways of writings. Write your answer before the number.
... Lines/ Excerpts from his story
A. The rich man's children became thin and anemic, pale and sad. The rich man started to cough at nigh
coughed day and night. His wife began
coughing too. Then the children started to cough one after the other. At night their coughing sounded
of a herd of seals
B. When I was four, I lived with my mother and brothers and sisters in a small town on the island of Luzo
father has small farm.
C. The rich man's servants were always frying and cooking something good, and the aroma of the food
down to us from the windows of the
big house. We hung about and took all the wonderful smell of the food into our beings
D. Father's farm had been destroyed in 1918 by one of our sudden Philippine floods. So for several yea
We all lived in the town, though he
preferred living in the country.
E. His other novels include The Laughter of My Father which were originally published as short sketche
posthumously published.
...Life situations that influenced and reflected his way of writings.
1. Most of his youth was spent in the countryside as a farmer
2. His family were economically impoverished by the rich and political elite,
3. In 1936, Bulosan suffered from tuberculosis and was taken to the hospital. There, he underwe
and spent two years mostly in the ward
4. He left for America on at age 17, in the hope of finding salvation from the economic depressia
5. His other quality was an obstinate quality who laughs at adversities being resilient as a perso
From your answers in numbers 1-5, identify what kind of influences do they belong. Choose your ans
Ole 12​