1.who went for a banca ride 2.what is their favorite hobby 3. what happenned to aizy sttuffed toy 4.after connecting the broken lines,what happenned to the sttuffed toy under the sea 5.after being caught by the octupus,does the shape of the sttuffed toy changed 6. what did the octupos do to change the shape of stuffed toy

eto ying story one saturday afternoon the siblings tim, denden and aizy went to the sea to have a banca ride.riding a banca is one of their favorite hobbies during weekeend. they enjoy watching the sunset while sitting on the boat. aizy brings out her fish stuffed tot from her bag. she wanted to hvae a selfie with her sttufed toy. unfortunately,a wave came out and made their boat move unexpectedly.suddenly aizy sttuffed toy fell into the water and she was not able to save it. she was too sad about what happened to her toy. what do you think will happen to her stuff toy after falling in the sea? let us see what happened to her stuffed toy under the under the sea ​