Revisiting the Anticipation-Reaction Guide brainly​

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An anticipation guide is a comprehension strategy that is used before reading to activate students' prior knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic. Before reading, students listen to or read several statements about key concepts presented in the text; they're often structured as a series of statements with which the students can choose to agree or disagree. Anticipation guides stimulate students' interest in a topic and set a purpose for reading.

Why use anticipation guides?

-Anticipation guides stimulate students' interest in a topic and set a purpose for reading.

-They teach students to make predictions, anticipate the text, and verify their predictions.

-They connect new information to prior knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic.

How to use an anticipation guide?

  1. Construct the anticipation guide. Construction of the anticipation guide should be as simple as possible for younger students. Write four to six statements about key ideas in the text; some true and some false. Include columns following each statement, which can be left blank or can be labeled Yes, or No (Maybe can also be used).

NOTE: Teachers may wish to create an additional column for revisiting the guide after the material has been read.

2. Model the process. Introduce the text or reading material and share the guide with the students. Model the process of responding to the statements and marking the columns.

3. Read each of the statements and ask the students if they agree or disagree with it. Provide the opportunity for discussion. The emphasis is not on right answers but to share what they know and to make predictions.

4. Read the text aloud or have students read the selection individually. If reading aloud, teachers should read slowly and stop at places in the text that correspond to each of the statements.

5. Bring closure to the reading by revisiting each of the statements.
