1.Deep within the core of the earth,it is so hot that some rocks melt and become a thick and sticky substance called_________. 2.This substance gets hotter and hotter and _________ builds deep in the magma reservoir of the volcano. 3.Eventually,magma will push up toward the surface of the earth through the volcano's __________ and escape through __________ in the earth. 4.When magma erupts from the volcano,it is called ________.During an eruption,____________and other rock particles called ____________ also escape violently into the air and can cause major damage to the volcano's surrounding environment. 5.Volcanic ash that erupts from the volcano will fall back down onto the earth like powdery snow. If it is thick enough,it can cover and damage surrounding plants and animals and also ___________ streams and rivers. 6.The __________ or the resistance to flow of a lava determines how easily gas escapes in the atmosphere - the more resistance the lava is, the greater the volume of gas is escaping,the more ____________ and dangerous a volcanic eruption is.