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The Three Levels of the Magisterium: Sacred, Ordinary, and General
1. The Sacred Magisterium
a. teaches infallibly
b. these teachings have the charism of certain truth
c. is exercised by the Pope alone or by the body of Bishops led by the Pope
d. is expressed in the solemn definitions of Papal infallibility, in the solemn definitions of Ecumenical Councils and similar gatherings, or the teachings of the ordinary universal Magisterium
e. the Holy Spirit guarantees that all these teachings are entire without error
f. the assent required is the full assent of faith, that is, sacred assent because the teachings are without error
g. dissent from infallible teachings is unfaithful dissent
2. The Ordinary Magisterium
a. teaches non-infallibly, i.e. its teachings are fallible to a limited extent.
b. these teachings have the charism of salvific truth. In other words, these teachings may contain errors, but not to the extent that the errors would lead anyone away from the path of salvation.
c. is exercised by the Pope alone, when not teaching infallibly; by the body of Bishops led by the Pope, when not teaching infallibly; and by Bishops in smaller groups and even individuals.
d. is expressed whenever the Pope or the Bishops teach the Faith, other than under infallibly
e. the Holy Spirit guarantees that these teachings will not lead anyone away from the path of salvation
f. the assent required is the religious submission of will and intellect, i.e. ordinary assent, because these teachings, despite occasional errors, cannot lead one away from salvation.
g. some dissent from non-infallible teachings is faithful dissent. Ordinary teachings allow for the possibility of error and so ordinary assent allows for the possibility of dissent. However, this dissent must be limited in extent, just as the fallibility is limited in extent.
3. The general Magisterium
a. seeks the truth fallibly, includes the possibility of significant error, but is guided by the Holy Spirit.
b. this search for truth has the charism of certain fruitfulness. The faithful who seek new insights into the Faith, in accord with the teachings of the Magisterium proper, cannot fail to bear fruit that will last.
c. is exercised by all the faithful under the Sacraments of baptism, confirmation, or ordination.
d. is expressed in speculative theology, in discussions among the faithful, in sermons by ordained persons, and non-official writings and discussions of Popes and Bishops.
e. The Holy Spirit guarantees that this search for new insights into the truths found within Tradition, Scripture, and the teachings of the Magisterium proper will bear fruit that will last.
f. assent is not required, except that all the faithful are required to assent to a sincere search for truth within Tradition, Scripture, and the teachings of the Magisterium proper
g. anyone may dissent from particular ideas expressed in speculative theology, but no one may entirely dissent from the sincere search for truth within the Faith