Is first aid will become an assurance of a new life?​

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The 5 main aims of first aid are:

preserve life

prevent the escalation of the illness or injury

promote recovery

pain relief

protect the unconscious.

Preserve life – while the first aider is the person who has the certificate for the first aid, they are not medical professionals. They can do their best to make sure the patient is given the basic care and they can help treat minor injuries like cuts and scrapes that don’t need routine or emergency attention.

However, in case of severe situations that are a threat to the patient’s life, they do not focus on providing care but on preserving life long enough until the ambulance arrives

Prevent the escalation – again, the efforts of the first aiders are directed toward prolonging the time the patient has until the ambulance arrives. If the patient is bleeding profusely, the first aider will not stitch the wound, but they will do their best to stop the bleeding until the ambulance arrives. In that way, they will prevent further complications and health deterioration.

Pain relief – this is done only if it is in any way possible and it doesn’t present a risk to the patient. Some pain relief medications can be dangerous in case a person is bleeding. Therefore, if not sure if the pain medication is appropriate, it is better to ask the medical experts first.

Protect the unconscious – one of the important factors in administering first aid is protection and safety for both the patient and the first aider. Moreover, this extends to the people who are nearby, as well. Protecting the unconscious can mean removing them from a dangerous situation, like fire, flooded space or road with traffic.

Promote recovery – every action that a first aider takes should be in the direction of helping the person who has suffered an injury or sudden illness get better.

Promoting the recovery usually means using the first aid kit. It is packed with supplies that are necessary for the first aider to be able to help the person in need. You can understand that the time of providing the first aid is crucial. If your first aid is not well-stocked or it is not there at all – that is a big problem.

Let Alsco NZ provide you with all the necessary first aid kits for your workplace and always be ready for an emergency.

As you know, children are most prone to accidents. So, if you work in a school, your duty is to ensure a safe and healthy environment for them.

You could start with the washrooms. The Ultimate School Washroom Guide will help you learn how to address major washroom health and safety concerns according to the New Zealand standards.

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