Theories of Opportunity
In the twentieth century, economist Joseph Schumpeter, as shown in Figure 5.2, stated that entrepreneurs create value “by exploiting a new invention or, more generally, an untried technological possibility for producing a new commodity or producing an old one in a new way, by opening up a new source of supply of materials or a new outlet for products, by reorganizing an industry” or similar means.2
Photo of Joseph Schumpeter.
Figure 5.2 Schumpeter believed that entrepreneurs create value in an economy. (credit: Joseph Alois Schumpeter, ca. 1910: HUGB S276.90 p (2), olvwork369436. Harvard University Archives)
According to Schumpeter, entrepreneurial innovation is the disruptive force that creates and sustains economic growth, though in the process, it can also destroy established companies, reshape industries, and disrupt employment. He termed this force creative destruction. Schumpeter described business processes, including the concept of downsizing, as designed to increase company efficiency. The dynamics of businesses advances the economy and improves our lifestyle, but the changes (sometimes through technology) can make other industries or products obsolete. For instance, Schumpeter provided the example of the railroad changing the way companies could ship agricultural products quickly across the country by rail and using ice “cold cars,” while at the same time, destroying the old way of life for many ranchers who wrangled cattle from one location to their intended commercial destination.
hope makatulong :)