5. What is an example of an academic text? a. Concept Paper b. Fairy tale c. Poetry d. Prose 6. Which of the following does not belong to the group? a. Concept paper b. Autobiography c. Position paper d. Research report 7. What is the kind of paper that explains one's feelings towards a topic about events ideas, etc.? a. Concept paper b. Reaction paper c. Research paper d. Dissertation 8. What is the kind of paper that critically and carefully examines another writer's work? a. Concept paper b. Reaction paper c. Research paper d. Dissertation 9. What is the other term of Critique or Evaluative paper? a. Concept paper b. Reaction paper c. Research paper d. Dissertation 10. What is the kind of paper that refers to the summaries of projects or issues which reflect the interests, experience, and expertise of the writer or organization? a. Concept paper b. Reaction paper c. Research paper d. Dissertation