Electric mixer
Tube center pen
Muffin pan
Jelly roll pan
Bundt pan
Griddle pan
41. This is a flour mixture that can be rolled or kneaded.
42. The process of cooking food by indirect heat or dry in a confined space as in
heated oven using gas, electricity, charcoal, wood, of oil at a temperature from
250 F - 450 F.
43. Separating coarse particles in the ingredient by passing through a sieve or sifter.
44. To heat an oven before hand to regulate the temperature.
45. This is a flour mixture that can be stirred or poured.
46. This is deeper than a round and with a hallow center, it is removable which is
used to bake chiffon types of cakes.
47. It has 12 formed cups for baking muffins and cupcakes.
48. It is shallow rectangular pan used for baking rolls.
49. it is a round pan with scalloped sides used for baking elegant and special cakes.
50. It is used for different baking procedure for beating, stirring, and blending.
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