do you thinks that all animals have the same life cycle?
why or why not?​

Sagot :

No, but certain types of animals have similar life cycles. For example, mammals and reptiles have very different life cycles from each other, but a horse and a cat have similar life cycles because they are both mammals.




Different classes of animals have different life cycles. Most classes of animals, including fish, mammals, reptiles, and birds, have fairly simple life cycles. ... Amphibians and insects have more complicated life cycles. These animals undergo a metamorphosis (a significant change in their physical structure or habits).

They are born, grow up, reproduce and die. Different groups of organisms (species) have different kinds of life cycles. Reproduction is the key to the all species' survival. Yet the life cycle of an insect is very different from the life cycle of a mammal or a reptile.

Although each individual animal and plant species has its own specific life cycle, all life cycles are the same in that they begin with birth and end with death. Growth and reproduction are two of the central components of the life cycles of plants and animals.