e.karol wojtayla
f. Martin buber
h.I-IT relationship
i.language j.PWDs

1. This refers to shared awareness and understanding among persons.
2. This relationship is being shown when an individual treats other people,things etc. as objects to be experienced..
3. He criticized the traditional definition of human as "rational animal" and maintainsthat human person is the one who exists and acts.
.4. It entails mutual sharing of selves, acceptance and sincerity.
5. It stands for Person with Disabilities which includes those who have long termmental, physical and sensory impairments.
6. He was a Jewish philosopher who conceives that person in his/her wholeness,totally concrete, existence and relatedness to the world.
7. This refers to the life of a group bound together by common experiences andreactions.
8. It refers to the life of among persons and it happens when two persons truyacknowledge each other's presence and treat each other as equal.
9. One of human possession that serves as a tool for communication, Informationand in social interaction.
10. A connection which the human person is not just being in the world but beingwith others and being in relation.​