c. shell
C. tendon
C. skull
c. tendon
c. joint
c. nail
15. What is common among mammals like dog
a. feathers
(b) fur
16.It protects the brain. a. joint b. skull
17. What connects the calf muscles to the heel bone? A. ligament b. tendon
b. cartilage
18.It is formed when two bones connect. A. joint
19.The smooth and fibrous tissue.-
a.cartilage b. skull
c. joint
20. What holds the bones together?
a. ligament b. cartilage
21. What helps human being keep warm? a. glands
b. hair
22. What part of the human body that send and receive messages to the brain?
a. muscles
b. nerves
C. Skull
23. What gives structure to the ends of our fingers? a. hands
b. nails
C. sweat
24.The glands that release oils for moisture and protection.
a. glands
b. sweat gland
25. What is the visible part of the hair that protrudes through the skin?
a. Hair shaft
b. hair follicles
c. hair root
26. What is the largest part of the brain? a. cerebellum b. cerebrum
27. it is located beneath the cerebrum. a. brain stem b. cerebellum c.spinal cord
c. brain stem
28. What is the cordlike material in the backbone ?
a. spinal cord
b. cerebellum
c. cerebrum​

Sagot :


15. B

16. B

17. B

18. A

19. C

20. A

21. B

22. B

23. B

24. A

25. B

26. B

27. B

28. A


So many letter B's mark me brainliest