in your own understanding,why is it necessary to check the platform environment of an application software before installing it to your software?​

Sagot :

The importance of checking platform environment before installing applications  

Before an IT personnel would install an application software in one computer, he/she should evaluate the platform environment of the computer he will be using. The platform environment is the type of the hardware and Operating System version where he would install or put the application software. Getting ready before the installation is a must because of two (2) things: compatibility and performance issues.

The IT personnel should check if the application he/ she will install is really compatible with the hardware specs and OS system installed. If it's not compatible and he/she chooses to continue with the installation, errors and problems may arise in the future. This would affect the performance of the software. Here are some examples:  

  1. Software crashes.
  2. Software error prompts.
  3. Software might hang from time to time.

To know more about operating systems, read the following:

