Task 1.Choose the letter of the answer that best completes the anology found in each item. Write the letters only. A. A diamond in the rough B. Born with golden spoons in their mouths C. Dark like chocolate D. Icing on the cake E. Invisible enemy F. Looking for a needle in a haystack G. Rock bottom 1.Hopea philippines, a small rainforest tree, is an endangered plant species. It is so hard to find :locating this plant in the forest is like ______ 2.Your brother sways gracefully as a ballroom dancer, but he eats greedily. He is_______ 3. Some people, examples of british royalties like Queen Elizabeth ll and prince charles, do not have to work. They where________ 4.Covid-19 is our______, changing our lives radically without revealing itself directly. 5.The Philippines economy may have hit_______but President Duterte says it will recover.