1. 30°F degrees below 0°F degrees 

A. 30°F         B. -30°F         C. 0°F      D. none of these 

2. Opposite integers are 

A. The same distance from zero but in the same directions.  

B. Opposite symbol of a positive is + 

C. The same distance from zero but in opposite directions. 

D. Opposite symbol of negative is – 


3. Which is not an integer? 

    A. -28          B. 0             C. 53   D. 0.14

4. Integers are ____ 

A. all positive numbers only.          

B. all negative numbers only. 

C. all counting numbers and their opposites 

D. percentages, fractions, & square root. 

5. The loss of 2 yards. 


D. 0.14 

    A. -2          B. +2          C. +22  D. none of the


D. none of these 
