what morr do you need to do in order to mature in faith​

Sagot :


1. Maturity in Faith comes from developing an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit.

This can be done by doing the following:

  • Consistently, eagerly, earnestly, humbly, and diligently seeking God. (Colossians 1:10, So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.)
  • Reading the scripture (2 Peter 3:18, But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.)
  • Praying to the Lord (Daniel 6:10, Daniel prayed three times a day)
  • Praising and Worshipping the Lord (Psalms 100:4, Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.)

2. Maturity in faith can also be read in Matthew 19:16-30, which tells about the Rich Man desiring eternal life. He was obedient in Jewish Law but couldn't sell his assets to help and care for the poor(Matthew 19:20-21).

  • Matthew 19:21-22, “If you want to be perfect,” Jesus said to him, “go, sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, f o l l o w  me.” When the young man heard that, he went away grieving, because he had many possessions.

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