and write only the letter on the space provided for.
1. Pincushion is an example of A) Pinning tool B) Marking C) Measuring D) Cutting
2. Tailor's Chalk is A) Cutting tool B) Measuring C) Marking D) Pinning
3. A flexible measuring device is A) Tape measure B) French cure C) Ruler D) Seam ripper
4. Appropriate cutting tool used in cutting fabric A) Bent-handled shear B) Embroidery
Scissor C) Trimming scissor D) Thread clipper
5. It measures 12-18 inches and it is use to draw straight line A) Ruler B) tape measure
C) French curve D) Yardstick
6. A small hard pitted cup worn for protection on the finger that pushes the needle A) Pincushio
B) Thimble C) Sewing needle threader D) Thread
7. Type of sewing machine that is run by foot and can be converted to electric machine A)
Embroider Machine B) Lockstitch C) Button Holer D) Over Edging
8. A machine used in making fancy stitches and making embroidery stitches on fabric A) But-
ton Holer machine B) Embroidery machine C) Bartacking D) Double needle
9. There are A) Three B) Two C) Four D) Five major parts of sewing machine.
10. Shoulder width meas. is an example of A) Horizontal B) Vertical C) Circumferential
11. It is a body measurement taken around the body A) Vertical B) Circumferential C) Horizontal
12. Measurement taken from left to right A) Vertical Meas. B) Horizontal C) Circumferential
13. The system where the unit of measurement is centimeter A) Metric System B) English System
C) Decimal System D) SI Meas. System
14. How many Centimeters are there is one inch? A) 2.54 B) 2.56 C) 2.57 D) 2.59
15. An electronic device used for speed computation A) Calculator B) Computer c) Celphone​