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•Vitamin A
-Too little vitamin A can lead to inflamed skin, night blindness, infertility, delayed growth and respiratory infections.
-Prevention. The diet should include dark green leafy vegetables, deep- or bright-colored fruits (eg, papayas, oranges), carrots, and yellow vegetables (eg, squash, pumpkin). Vitamin A–fortified milk and cereals, liver, egg yolks, and fish liver oils are helpful.
-Without enough iron, your body can't produce enough of a substance in red blood cells that enables them to carry oxygen (hemoglobin). As a result, iron deficiency anemia may leave you tired and short of breath.
-How to Prevent Iron Deficiency. Eat a balanced, healthy diet that includes good sources of iron to prevent any deficiencies. Combine vegetarian sources of iron with vitamin C in the same meal. For example: a bell pepper-bean salad, spinach with lemon juice, or fortified cereal and berries.
-Hypothyroidism. One of the most common results of low iodine is that your thyroid can't make enough thyroid hormone, a condition called hypothyroidism. This might inflame the gland and cause a goiter, but not always. It could also thin your hair, dry your skin, and make you feel cold, tired, constipated, and depressed
-Prevention of Iodine Deficiency
Prevention of Iodine DeficiencyWhile iodine deficiency is not common in Western countries, you can prevent it by eating a varied diet, including good food sources of iodine, like seafood and yogurt.
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