what do you could be the general effect or consequences if a person doesn't follow or do what is moral? explain?​

Sagot :


If everyone knew better then they would not do bad things. ... If people are only good because they seek reward, then people will not be good all the time ... It's not bad until it affects me.

Sana maka tulong :)

  • defines moral principles as "the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group." As a general rule, morals are what we use to guide our actions. There are some moral principles that most people agree on and others that differ from group to group and person to person. Many people can follow moral principles by following laws.

  • When You Don't Live By Your Moral Principles

  • It is easy to make small compromises in our moral principles. We do this by rationalizing our actions. We do or say something that we know we don't think is right, but we find a way to explain this action or statement to ourselves that makes it sound like it's okay. However, deep inside, we know we have crossed a line and violated our moral principles. Compromising your morals in even a small way makes it easier to make larger compromises as well. Before you know it, you may be making poor decisions and acting in ways that you would never have imagined you could.

  • When you act or speak against your morals, you begin to experience guilt and shame. You feel guilty about your actions, which can cause you to feel ashamed of yourself. Sticking to your moral principles helps you live a life you are proud of, which is associated with greater happiness. Here are some examples of moral principles and how they may impact your life.
  • Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated. When you live by this moral principle, you take the time to empathize with others and try to see things through their eyes. You think about the situation they are in instead of just your own, and consider what you would want someone to do for you if you were in that situation. If everyone lived by this rule, it’s possible that crime and bullying could be greatly diminished. When you treat other people well, you are likely to be treated well in return.
  • Speak The Truth/Do Not Lie. We all want people to be honest with us. We want to know that we are not being lied to and that we can trust people. In some cases, however, people may justify not being honest by providing reasons that sound good in the moment but violate their own morals. They may use phrases like "white lie" or "doing it for their good" to support their decision. When you're honest with other people, they will know that they can trust you, which helps establish better relationships.
  • Don't Spend What You Don't Have. Some people believe that being in debt is wrong. Others do not believe that overspending is inherently wrong, but they recognize that it has an adverse effect on their life. It is important to be a good steward of what you are given. Stewardship means that you handle your finances responsibly, which includes not spending money you don't have.

  • Keep Your Word. This moral principle is similar to being honest and not telling lies, but it is worth mentioning separately. If you don't keep your word (or promise), not only does your reputation typically suffer, but you could be harmed in retaliation. If you follow through on the things that you say you're going to do, people will trust you more. You will also trust yourself more. This often leads to better personal relationships, career advancements, and a better life in general.
  • Don't Take What Doesn't Belong To You. Most people would agree that you should not steal. However, many people make small compromises on a regular basis that don't line up with this principle.
  • Are You Living Your Moral Principles?

  • If you're not living in accord with the moral principles you believe in, consider taking steps to correct this. You are not living your best life if you violate your own morals. It's important that you align your actions and words with your moral principles. When you do this,the pieces of your life tend to fall into place. You will experience more happiness because you are staying true to yourself.

  • How Can I Live More Morally?

  • It can be hard to realign yourself when you let your moral principles slip. However, this doesn't have to be a permanent condition, as you can always alter your behaviors.

  • One way to change behavior is to set goals. Consider writing down how you want to live in a book, including goals toward achieving this life. This will help you hold yourself accountable for your own set of rules and standards.