Read the following statements. Write F if it is a claim of fact, P if it
is a claim of policy, and it is a claim of value.
1.Polar bears are on the verge of extinction due to melting ice
2. Chocolate is the most popular flavor of ice cream for women.
3. Killing animals in the process of medical testing is immoral.
4. Video games lead to the increase of violencz arnong teens.
5. Without herd immunity, he economy will continue to decline.
6. Texting while driving should be ar Tense punishable by jail
7. People who refuse to recycle should be forced to do
alternative community service.
8. Coed schools are good for education,
9. A dress code should be maintained in all public schools.
10. Cellphones should be allowed in school.
11. The age of consent should be raised to 18.
12. Vanilla ice cream is better than chocolate.
13. Capital punishment is unjust.
14. Decreasing carbon dioxide emissions from car exhaust,
manufacturing processes, fertilizers, and landfills, while slowing
deforestation, may help slow the process of global warming.
15. It's better to apply good nutritional choices at home than
teach them at school, because good nutrition then becomes
ingrained in the child's experience​