1.Strong rain with strong wind felt.
A. There will be a typhoon.
B. There will be a heavy rain.
C. There will be a sunny day.

2.It's a cold night in December.
A. The children will stay outside.
B. The children will sleep with
sweaters on.
C. The children take a bath

3. Many vehicles are seen all in a row and not moving.
A. There will be a smooth traffic.
B. There will be a smooth jam.
C. There will be cheers around.

4. There was flood.
A. The plants and houses were
washed away.
B. The children bathed in the rain.
C.The children are played on the street.

5. Lahar flowed from Mount.
A.Rivers Overflowed
B.Children cleared the sight of flowing mud.
C. People stayed in their houses.