In today's world it seems that everywhere we turn we see advertising appeals for us to buy something on TV, radio, billboards, signs, mailings, newspapers, and now the Internet. We are enticed to buy not only the things we need, but also things we did not even know existed. Do you ever wonder how people got the things they wanted or needed before all the marketing tools we have now were available? The answer is often they did not. There were stores, but the owners bought small quantities of goods from traveling merchants. They made a guess at what their customers might want and put the merchandise in their stores. About 100 years ago, a shrewd businessman named Frank Woolworth had several odds and ends in his store that had not sold. In no time all, the "unwanted" merchandise was gone. He knew if he purchased large quantities of items he could get a lower price, then sell the items at a "bargain" to the customer. He established the very successful Woolworth's chain of stores and paved the way for today's department and discount stores.