Analogies Directions: Circle the related analogy. D 1. Dull is to vibrant as a huge is to gigantic b. barking is to dogs c. clarity is to liquid d. bored is to enthusiastic 2. Rock is to heavy as: a. car is to fast b. feather is to light c. large is to giant d. rich is to poor 3. Ringing is to telephone as: a. dinging is to timer b. purple is to grape c. sleep is to humans d. crawling is to babies 4. Meowing is to cats: a. sleeping is to babies b. roaring is to lions c. noisy is to races d. flash is to lightning 5. Water is to liquid as: a. salt is to the ocean b. music is to the radio c. solid is to bread d. tall is to giraffe 6. Blue is to sky as: a. room is to paint b. friend is to foe c. pencil is to write d. brown is to dirt 7. Brightness is to my eyes as: a. shrills are to my ears b. walking is to my feet c. hair is to my head d. food is to my mouth 8. Tree is to climb as: a. foot is to toe b. big is to little c. ocean is to swim d. hand is to write 9. Nurse is to patient as: a. teacher is to student b. teeth is to dentist c. splash is to water d. bored is to enthusiastic 10. Shoes are to feet as: a. car is to tire b. feather is to bird c. gloves are to hands d. pencils are to writing 11. Basketball is to gym as: a. soccer is to field b. nose is to face c. baseball is to homerun d. crawling is to babies 12. Big is to ocean as: a. roaring is to lions b. bouncing is to ball c. flash is to camera d. small is to mouse