the opinion of addicted to morphine​

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Morphine Addiction And Abuse

Morphine is a naturally occurring, highly addictive opiate with painkilling effects similar to heroin.

Morphine Info

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Understanding Morphine

morphine addiction pill

Morphine is an opiate used to relieve severe pain. Named after Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams, morphine provides a feeling of euphoria oft-described as a dreamlike state. The drug can be taken in the form of a tablet, syrup, or injection. In some cases, morphine can even be smoked.

Morphine has the potential to be highly addictive, as tolerance to it develops rapidly. A federally designated Schedule II drug, morphine is used to treat moderate, severe, and chronic pain. It is also used for pain relief after major surgeries, treatment for cancer-related pain, and shortness of breath at the end of a patient’s life.

However, morphine also runs a high potential of abuse because of its pleasurable effects and relative accessibility. In recent years, morphine pills have added abuse deterrent coding so that they cannot be crushed, snorted, or injected. While this has reduced the addictive potential of prescribed morphine, it has not eliminated its potential and it has not impacted illicitly manufactured morphine.

Some of the common street or slang names for morphine include M, Miss Emma, monkey, roxanol and white stuff. Morphine is a naturally occurring substance extracted from either the opium poppy plant or concentrated poppy straw. Its chemical makeup is similar to heroin, as they are both extracted from the same plant. Contact a treatment provider for help battling a morphine addiction.

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