Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. What livelihood can be suited for the families live near the sea?
A farming
B. gardening C. fishing
D. panting
2. Which fish has a bony structure?
A. catfish
B. milkfish
C. tilapia
D. mudfish
3. How many months of feeding the tilapia to harvest successfully?
A 3 10 4 months B. 4 to 5 months C.5 to 6 months D. 1 year
4. The following fish are require no special kind of feed EXCEPT.
A. tilapia
B. milkfish
D. Goldfish
5. It is referred to as the national fish of the Philippines.
A. tilapia
B. milkfish
C. Catfish
D. Goldfish
6. Milkfish is very popular because of its taste, to which is compared?
A. juice
B coconut milk C. milk
D. lemon
7. Which fish is hard adapt to poorly oxygenated and do not reproduce as
quickly as tilapia?
A. catfish
B mudfish
C. tuna
D. carp
3. What kind of fish serves as staple food for many Filipino especially in the
Tagalog region
A. catfish
C. tilapia
D. mudfish
9.Catfish are named for their prominent barbels which resemble to
A.tiger's whiskers B. cat's whiskers C. man's whiskers D. none of them
10. Mang Pepe is planning to cultivate fish. He wants to produce all year round
and requires no special kind of feeds. Which fish would you suggest?
A. catfish
B mudfish
C. tuna
D. tilapia​