derive formula of frequency,speed of wave, wavelength, Energy in photon?

Sagot :


Explanation:How is energy related to the wavelength of radiation?

We can think of radiation either as waves or as individual particles called photons. The energy associated with a single photon is given by  E = hν , where E is the energy (SI units of J), h is Planck's constant (h = 6.626 x 10–34 J s), and ν is the frequency of the radiation (SI units of s–1 or Hertz, Hz) (see figure below). Frequency is related to wavelength by λ=c/ν , where c, the speed of light, is 2.998 x 108 m s–1. Another quantity that you will often see is wavenumber, σ=1/λ, which is commonly reported in units of cm–1.

The energy of a single photon that has the wavelength λ is given by:

E = hcλ= 1.986× 10−16 J nm photon−1λ


Note that as the wavelength of light gets shorter, the energy of the photon gets greater. The energy of a mole of photons that have the wavelength λ is found by multiplying the above equation by Avogadro's number:

Em = hcNAλ= 1.196 × 108 J nm mol−1λ
