The Shooting
by: Jean Paul V. Banay
The town of Pila in the province of Laguna is famous for being one of the
favorite spots to shoot commercials because of its ancestral houses.
It was Wednesday, Julio was walking home from school when he saw a crowd
in the town plaza. He went to see what was going on. He saw his uncle Jose
watching too.
“Uncle Jose, what's going on here?" asked Julio. "They are going to shoot a
soap commercial here." answered Uncle Jose.
"You see there, that is the director, and those are his crew. One of them is the
camera man, and some of them are the lights men. They are in-charge of the
equipment," said Uncle Jose as he pointed to the men setting up the equipment.
"Then inside those tents are the actors and actresses. They will be acting as
characters in the commercial. They are still memorizing their dialogues," Uncle
Jose added.
"What are dialogues?" Julio inquired.
“Dialogues are what the actors and actresses say during the shooting of the
commercial," Uncle Jose answered.
"Are you going to watch them shoot the commercial?" asked Julio.
"Yes, would you like to watch it too? replied Uncle Jose.
"Yes, but first, I have to go home and ask permission from mother."
answered Julio.
“Ok, see you later," said Uncle Jose.
Answer the following questions.
1. Which is the famous town in the province of Laguna is known for being one of
the favorite spots to shoot commercials?
2. What was the event in the plaza?
3. Who found the commercial shooting while on his way home from school?
4. Who saw Julio watching the shooting?
5. What are the things in the set Unclxe Jose explained to Julio? ysysvwyd yung mga taong hindi pa rin ako load more pa kaya nag like ng like at​

Sagot :



2.They are going to shoot a soap commercial


4.Uncle Jose

5. "You see there, that is the director, and those are his crew. One of them is the

camera man, and some of them are the lights men. They are in-charge of theequipment,"

"Then inside those tents are the actors and actresses. They will be acting as

characters in the commercial. They are still memorizing their dialogues,"

“Dialogues are what the actors and actresses say during the shooting of the
