1. Which of these animals is a mollusk?
A. squid C. spiders
B. corals D. lobsters
2. All of these are arthropods EXCEPT ___________.
A. ant C. butterfly
B. clam D. centipede
3. To which group do sea urchin and starfish belong?
A. sponges C. coelenterates
B. arthropods D. echinoderms
4. Which of the following is the simplest of the invertebrate groups?
A. sponges C. flatworms
B. cnidarians D. roundworms
5. Which of the following group of animals are invertebrates?
A. dog, hen , horse C. bird , turtle , snake
B. lizard, frog , fish D. spider , crab , scorpion
6. Which of the following is NOT classification of arthropods?
A. crustacean C. mollusk
B. insect D. arachnid
7. Which of the following is true about echinoderms?
A. They are stationary. C. They live inside the body of another organism.
B. They have spiny skin. D. They have tentacles which release a poison.
8. How many pairs of jointed appendages do spiders have?
A. 3 c. 5
B. 4 D. 6
9. How do clams, oysters and snails protect themselves?
A. by secreting poison C.by making slimy secretions
B. by means of their spines D. by using their hard shells
10. Why are some worms harmful?
A. They grow very long. C. They eat dead plants and animals.
B. They make children grow healthy. D. They take nutrients from the bodies of other organisms.
11. The following are ways of protecting and conserving wildlife except.
A. protecting marine sanctuary
B. supporting government’s project of protecting ecosystem
C. joining organization about caring for environment
D. buying products made from body parts of animals
12. The following are actions to save coral reefs except_______
A. make artificial reefs for totally damaged reefs
B. join volunteer groups like Bantay-Dagat to care for the seas
C. discourage others from collecting corals for ornamental purposes
D. inform others that corals can be sold at high price for business
13. What is NOT the benefit of mangrove swamps?
A. Mangroves serve as breeding or nesting grounds of different species.
B. Mangroves are important habitats of different organisms.
C. Mangroves act as natural barrier and flood defense.
D. Mangroves do not provide a source of livelihood.
14. What contains mostly in a tropical rainforest ecosystem?
A. Animals and Plants B. Human
C. Plants and Human D. None of the above
15. What are the role of plants and animals to balance the nature of tropical rainforest?
A. They feed the living organisms in the tropical rainforest.
B. Give and take relationship to balance the nature of tropical rainforest.
C. They convert the tropical rainforest into structural agricultural land.
D. Plants decomposed are wastes products of tropical rainforest

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