JANASUMARGOGO JANASUMARGOGO Health Answered kailangan kopo ng lahat na answer paki tulong po wala napong pilian yan answer npo hehhe thanks ________ 4. A rhythmic, poetic expression with a meter of seven syllables.________ 5. It is a festival in Marinduque that depicts the Passion of Christ________ 6. It is a cone-shaped colander harvest basket made of blackened and natural bamboo.________ 7. Is a wrap-around piece of cloth worn by women.________ 8. It is a burial jar found in Palawan.________ 9. A variation of the Ambahan that uses eight syllables.________ 10. A Neoclassical architecture built by a wealthy haciendero in Negros.________ 11. A cultural-religious celebration to honor the feast day of Santo Nino in Tacloban City.________ 12. An old-age tradition of laborious extraction of fibers from pineapple leaves.________ 13. The town of Basey, Samar is known for its’ woven products and the famous colorful sleeping mat called: _______________ 14. It is made from Abaca twine and indigenous plants similar to Banana from Negros.________ 15. A building with a fusion of Gothic and Renaissance styles found in Ilo-ilo.samakasagot lahat e brain lies ko thank you