1. Which kind of system is formed by the interaction of a community of organisms
with their environment?
a. ecosystem
b. intertidal zone
2. Which of the following is an ecosystem where a freshwater meets a saltwater?
c. Estuaries d. marine animals
a. food web
b. intertidal zone
C. Estuaries
3. Which of these is an ecosystem where the ocean is covered and uncovered as the
d. food chain
Tide goes in and out?
a. food chain b. intertidal zone
c. estuaries
4. Which is NOT an example of a habitat found in an estuary ecosystem?
d. food web
a. coral reef b. river
c. mud flat
d. salt marsh
5. The following are abiotic factors in intertidal zones and estuaries EXCEPT
a. temperature
b. light
c. soil
d. clams
6. Which causes the changing of salinity of water in estuaries?
a. a kind of rocks found in the estuary
b. the hotness and coldness of water
c. the amount of sunlight
d. the continuous flow of fresh and saltwater
7. Which plants provide shelter to animals in Intertidal Zones and Estuaries?
b. mangroves
a. coconut trees
d. shrubs
c. herbs
8. Which of these may lead to destruction and imbalance of ecosystem?
a. reforestation b. recycling c. animal conservation d, water pollution
9. Which abiotic factor affects intertidal zones during the climate change?
b. salinity c. temperature
d. type of soil
a. waves
10. Why is there a need to protect and conserve ecosystem?
c. to reduce animal habitat
a. for healthy lifestyle
b. for business interest d. to increase natural calamities
11. Which activities can protect our estuaries and intertidal environment?
a. use motorized boats c. planting marsh grass
b. dynamite fishing d. nuclear bombing
12. Which of these activities can save the mother Earth?
a. Proper waste disposal. c. Using synthetic fertilizers.
b. Burning non-biodegradable materials. d. Deforestation and mining.
13. Why are intertidal zones and estuaries important?
a. They preserve the balance of nature. c. They reduce waste materials.
b. They destroy the environment. d. They produce carbon dioxide.​