look for things or object in your surroundings that can produce sounds similar to the musical instruments from cordillera, mindoro, palawan and visayas . then draw inside the box and explain shortly how the object produce sound similar to musical instrument,.,.,.,. answer it now please :)

Sagot :



The kecer is a simple percussive instrument featuring two pairs of cymbals. The first pair is mounted to a rack, while the second pair is used to strike the mounted pair from above. Similar to the gangsa, the kecer’s rack generally features an ornate design intended to please the eyes of the audience.


A similar instrument called kacapi is also played in Southeast Asia. It shared the same name, although the kacapi is a zither instrument and not a lute. This instrument, commonly known as kudyapi,is about four to six feet long and has about nine frets that are made of hardened beeswax. It is carved out of softwood like the jackfruit tree.


A similar, but smaller instrument, with a shorter neck, is the bandurria, which also exists in 12- and 14-string versions. Traditionally it is used by folk string musical groups, such as the Filipino rondalla string ensemble, together with the guitar and the bandurria. Like the bandurria, it is tuned in fourths, but its range is one octave lower.

PS : Sorry i cant find Mindoro's similar instruments.
