1. What is a heinous crime?
2. What specific example of a heinous crime was mentioned in the selection?
3. Is the writer in favor of, or against the restoration of death penalty? Why do you
say so?
4. What reasons or arguments did the writer mention regarding his stand on the
5. How did the writer defend his stand on the issue?
6. What can you say about how the editorial was written? Is it free from grammatical
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Sagot :


A heinous crime is very evil or wicked. Of course, some people only use the term as an exaggeration, claiming that their parents' requirement that they write thank you notes after their birthdays is a heinous form of torture. ... Think: treason, torture, the clubbing of baby seals. Heinous is pronounced HĀ-nəs.

#3 yng nsa pic.

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View image KR099258


1. A heinous crime is very evil or wicked. Of course, some people only use the term as an exaggeration, claiming that their parents' requirement that they write thank you notes after their birthdays is a heinous form of torture. ... Think: treason, torture, the clubbing of baby seals. Heinous is pronounced HĀ-nəs.

2. Where's is the selection.

3. Against cause we are all human eventhough they did something wrong we should not do it but if she/he kill an innocent person that doesn't do something wrong i think we should do a life for a life.

4. A logical argument takes a stance on an issue, with the purpose of persuading the reader to agree. For the purposes of college writing, an argument is “an assertion intended to persuade” (and not as “a dispute or disagreement”). We encounter arguments, or persuasive statements, in visual and verbal form every day.


