Sagot :
I have an illness which, when not in remission, is manifest as one of the severest forms of depression. This illness is the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. During the past several years, I have been treated with medications that have alleviated the symptoms for periods of time. Periodically, the depression returns and the medication must be changed.
Being depressed to the degree that I experience is like a walking death. There is no motivation to do anything at all, let alone remain alive. Life has no meaning and love does not exist during those periods of deep depression. During a recent 10 month bout with this illness, I was continuously suicidal.
Recently, my doctor finally found a medication that brought remission. The effect of the new drug was immediate and miraculous. Not only do I feel like living again, I want to fill this life with every possible experience. I can now appreciate the sunshine, the birds, the love and concern of my friends and family, and the joy of working productively at my job, none of which is possible while I am depressed.
This is truly a resurrection experience. I have experienced a movement from death into life and from despair into joy. Before I experienced the remission, I was doubtful that it would happen, as Thomas doubted the risen Christ. I am grateful for this resurrection experience of my own and offer it as a parallel to the resurrection experience we all can share at Easter and beyond.