Sagot :
1. Natural Ecosystem
a. Forests
Original forests are also called primary forests. When the forest trees are cut down and they grow again, the forest is then called second-growth forest or secondary forest. Primary forests in the lowlands include mangrove forests, dipterocarp forests, and molave forests. In the highlands, they include pine forests and mossy forests. There are also called tropical rain forests which are characterized by high temperatures and high rainfall practically throughout the year.
The richest type of tropical rainforest is the dipterocarp forest. It has the biggest number of plant and animal species. The thick canopy is the richest habitat for birds. The thick layer of decaying leaves on the forest floor is the richest habitat for leeches, millipedes, centipedes, and land snails. The untouched dipterocarp forest abounds in mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects that live on the trees, on the ground, and in the soil.
Epping Forest is an example of a natural ecosystem.
2. Man-Made Ecosystems
A man-made ecosystem is a kind of ecosystem that is built and maintained by people. Man-made ecosystems are unique in the sense that people deliberately play a major role in the functioning of the ecosystem. Examples of man-made ecosystems are rice fields, fish ponds, and urban ecosystems.
Rice fields represent one kind of agricultural ecosystem. Agricultural ecosystems cover lands planted with crops such as corn, sugar cane, tobacco, cotton, coconut, and abaca. Some examples of countries with many kinds of agricultural ecosystems are Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia.
In some places, freshwater lakes are considered a man-made ecosystem because they are utilized as fish ponds by constructing fish pens close to the shore. Two examples of this are Laguna Lake and Sampaloc Lake in the province of Laguna in the Philippines.
Urban lands are also considered a man-made ecosystem since they are developed for the residence of people as well as their support activities. Examples of urban lands are subdivisions, parks, and cemeteries.
3. Special Microecosystem
If you examine closely the different habitats on land and in water, you will see that within each of them are smaller units of habitat where smaller interaction takes place. Such interactions in a small scale characterizes a microecosystem. Some examples of a microecosystem are the hay fusion in a laboratory, a fallen log on the forest floor, rotting fruits in market stalls, and soil where different kinds of organisms are living.
Soil is an example of a microecosystem.
i hope its help
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