1. Is the result of malnutrition and sometimes due to a contributing cause.
a. Disease
b. Obesity
c. Micronutrients
d. Micronutrients Deficiency
2. A medical condition in which a person has too much body fat.
a. Disease
b. Obesity
c. Micronutrients
d. Micronutrients Deficiency
3. These are vitamins and minerals need to maintain strong bodies and mental sharpness, fight off disease, and
bear healthy children.
a. Disease
b. Obesity
c. Micronutrients
d. Micronutrients Deficiency
4. Are diseases caused by deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the diet.
a. Disease
b. Obesity
c. Micronutrients
d. Micronutrients Deficiency
5. A condition of a person who is not getting enough or right food.
a. Malnutrition
b. Over Nutrition
c. Under Nutrition
d. Nutritional Disorder
6. This problem includes problem of overeating and/or consistently making poor food choices, resulting in obesity.
a. Malnutrition
b. Over Nutrition
c. Under Nutrition
d. Nutritional Disorder
7. It happens when a person eats and gets nutritional requirement beyond the needed and ideal amount.
a. Malnutrition
b. Over Nutrition
c. Under Nutrition
d. Nutritional Disorder
8. A condition wherein a person does not eat or take the daily needed nutrients and nutritional requirements
leading to diseases and deficiencies.
b. Over Nutrition
c. Under Nutrition
a. Malnutrition
d. Nutritional Disorder
9. Primarily affects children but the effects last a lifetime. It causes night blindness and, and later, permanent
blindness (xerophth​