1.What do we call the study of interaction of living things with another and woth its environment
A. Community
b. Ecology
c. Ecosystem
D. population
2.In rice fields ducks eay eggs of golden snail a pest for rice plants what relashinship exists between the ducks And the rice plants?
A. Commensalism
b. Competetition
c. Mutuaism
D. parasitism
3.Whick of the following examples of living things in a ecosystem show mutualism
A. Chicken and korn cernels
b. Ants and Aphids
c. Carabao And Cow
d. Dog and Cat
4.In commensalism how does an orcid benefit from a tree?
a. The orchid grows on the bark of tree
b. Tree provieds nutrients from orchids
c. Orchi gets protection from the tree
d. Birds use orchids as nest​