4. What point along the fault where movements first occur?
A. Epicenter
B. Focus
C. Intensity
D. Magnitude
5. Which agency of the government in the Philippines is monitoring the movement of the earth crust?
6. What happens to the P-waves when they are approaching the molten part of the Earth's interior?
A. become slower B. remains the same C. they disappear D. the velocity increase
7. Which of the following seismic waves is detected first by the seismograph?
A. L-waves
B. P-waves
C. R-waves
D. S-waves
8. Which part of the Earth is said to be solid?
A. Crust
B. Mantle
C. Inner Core D. Outer Core
9. What happens to the P-waves when they are approaching the molten part of the Earth's interior?
A. become slower B. remains the same
C. they disappear D. Velocity increas
10. What do you call the region on Earth's surface where a violent earthquake is felt?
A. Crust
B. Epicenter
C. Focus
D. Plate tectonic
11. Which of the following best describes a magnitude 7 earthquake?
A. May or may not be felt by people. C. A lot of damage in highly populated areas
B. Felt by most people.
D. Can cause severe damage.
12. Pangea break off into seven continents, what could be the probable cause of this event?
A. Shear Stress B. Confining Stress C. Tension Stress D. Compression Stress
13. Friction between the two sides of a fault keeps it from moving until the stress on the fault overcom
friction, then the fault slips and creates an earthquake.
A. True B. False C. Maybe both
D. It depends on the situation.
14. Which fault is characterized on which the two blocks slide past one another?
A. Normal Fault
B. Reverse Fault C. Strike-Slip Fault D. Active Fault
15. It is calculated from earthquakes recorded by a seismograph.
B. Intensity
B. Magnitude
D. Pressure
D. Temperature
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