1 Which part makes possible the changing of the objectives? A fine adjustment knob 2. Whet part supports the entire weight of the microscope A coarse adjustment knob C.course adjustment knob Dinclination joint B. base C.revolving nosepiece D. stage 3 which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object A objective lens and mirror B objective lens and diaphragm C. eyepiece and objective lens D. eyepiece and mirror D. stage Bm 1. Which part supports the entire weight of the microscope? А. B. body bube C. base 5. Aaron needs to raise the stage to focus the specimen he is studying using the low power objective. Which part should le manipulate A B. coarse adjustment knob C inclination joint D. body tube 6. You are to transfer the microscope to the next room. Which parts should you be holding in carrying the microscope property A А arm and base B. inclination joint and base C. revolving nosepiece and body tube D. stage clip and stage 7. What is the total magnification of a microscope with two lenses when one lens has a magnification of 15X and the other lens has a magnification of 30X? A. 15X B 45X C. 30% D. 450X 8. When lowering the scanner objective using the coarse adjustment knob, we should A. focus on the eyepiece B. look at the slide and lens C. look at the side to avoid breaking the slide D. turn the nosepiece so that the lens is clicked into position 9. Why do we need to avoid tilting the microscope while observing wet mounts? A. because the mirror might fall B. so that the image will be bigger C. because water might flow into the mechanical parts of the microscope D. so that a high magnification objective can be used 10. In the proper usage of microscopes, what should you NOT do while using them? A. Place them in the edge of the table. B. Carry it in the arr and support it in the base C. Put down gently in the table D. Wipe with tissue paper or old t-shirt the metal parts. 11. Which of the following can be observed using the light microscope? A acacia bark B. five peso coin C. piece of stone D. tip of gumamela leaf 12. Why is it necessary for the specimen to be observed under the microscope must be thin? A. So that the image will be clearer B. So that the image would be bigger C. So that the light could pass through the specimen D. So that the high magnification objective can be used A foran IM