11. From the passage above, what is the speaker being thankful for?
A. Thankful for a friend
B. Thankful for a loving family C. Thankful for the help
12. What did the speaker realized?
A. Importance of a Family B. Importance of Friendship C. Importance of relation to God
13. Did his/her friends were there to help him/her in times of problems?
A. Yes, because his/her family were not there B. No, it is his/her family who was beside him/her
14. For you, is it good to lie to your parents? Why?
A. No, because our parents know the best for us B. Yes, because I am not a good child
15. All are generalizations or statements about the paragraph on family experience, except
A. Family can be chosen
B. Families do care for one another
C. Family is not an important thing, it's everything.
D. Families keep up together through thick and thin.​