Sagot :
NCE has a lot of meanings but hope this helps.
>NCE Nuclear-Chemical Environment
>NCE National Counselor Examination for Licensure & Certification
>NCE Non-Credit Union Entity (US National Credit Union Association)
>NCE Noncarcinogenic Edema
>NCE Networks of Centres of Excellence
>NCE Net Carbon Exchange (ecosystem)
>NCE National Coalition for Education (New Delhi, India)
>NCE Newark College of Engineering (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
>NCE Non-Commercial Educational
>NCE Not Classified Elsewhere (UN international trade classification)
>NCE National Conference and Exhibition
>NCE New Century Energies
>NCE No-Cost Extension
>NCE New Catholic Encyclopedia
>NCE Nothing Comes Easy (Born in the Ghetto song)
>NCE Neighbor Cache Entry (computing)
>NCE Nigeria Certificate in Education
>NCE National Capital Exhibition (Australia)
>NCE New Concept Energy (Dallas, TX)
>NCE Notional Cash Expenditure (gold industry)
>NCE Neo Classical Economics
>NCE Neon Cage Experiment (band)
>NCE National Certificate in Education
>NCE Nice, France - Cote D'azur (Airport Code)
>NCE Net-Centric Enterprise .
>NCE Nomadic Computing Environment
>NCE National Council for Education (Belize)
>NCE Network Capacity Expansion (Cisco)
>NCE Network Connection Endpoint
>NCE Sodium Calcium Exchanger
NCE NGA (National Geospatial Intelligence Agency) Campus East (Bethesda, MD)
>NCE Nippon Coke & Engineering Co., Ltd. (Japan)
>NCE Norm Curve Equivalent
>NCE Network Configuration Editor
>NCE NARTE Certified Engineer
>NCE Noncommercial Education
>NCE Navy Civil Engineer (magazine)
>NCE Neutral Current Eliminator (Mirus International Inc.)
>NCE Nuclear Certified Equipment (US DoD)
>NCE Nuclear Capability Exercise
>NCE Noncombatant Evacuee
>NCE Nuclear-Chemical Environment
>NCE National Counselor Examination for Licensure & Certification
>NCE Non-Credit Union Entity (US National Credit Union Association)
>NCE Noncarcinogenic Edema
>NCE Negative Christmas Event (disheartening loss in a video game match)
>NCE Net Control Element
>NCE Nutra Cell Enhancer
>NCE NSSMS Common Enclosure
>NCE Novell Content Exchange
>NCE Necessary Contextual Element