st? Teil whether the statement in each item expresses a claim of fact, value, or policy. Write the uppercase FACT, VALUE, or POLICY only on your paper. 1. Everyone should get used to the changes brought by the new normal. 2. Staying at home is the best thing one can do to avoid being infected. 3. The Philippines has been facing the threat of COVID 19 pandemic for months now. 4. With the problem of internet connection, modular distance learning is the best scheme of learning this school year. 5 We should wait for the vaccine to be available before we go back to face-to-face mode of leaming, 6. The local government should make more programs to help the individuals who lost their jobs due to the pandemic. It is better not to hold social gathering to prevent the spread of the virus 8. We have to always wear a mask wherever we go. We need to be extra carefull 9. The Locally Stranded individuals (LSI's) need to undergo a 14-day quarantine before they are allowed to go home. 10. COVID 19 positive individuals can be symptomatic or asymptomatic