1. Which of the following is true about endocrine glands ?
a. It needs a duct system
b. The secretion can affect the neighboring tissues and organs
c. Can be found only in males
d. The hormonal secretion is directly to the bloodstream.
2. This hormone is responsible for development of breast and rounded contours.
b. LH
c. Estrogen
d. Progesterone
3. Which of the following pair is correctly matched?
a. Ovary - testosterone
b. Testes - progesterone
c. Testes - estrogen
d. Ovary - progesterone
4. Which of the following is the NOT the adverse effect of synthetic hormones?
a infertility
b. liver disease
c. increase muscle performance
d. enlargement of prostate gland
5. Which of the following secondary sex characteristics is Common to both
male and female?
a wider hip
b. growth of hair
c. breast development
d. deepening of the voice​