ANITACLARO404GO ANITACLARO404GO Science Answered Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if incorrect.1. Gravity is a force that acts between two separate objects.2. Gravity on the Moon is less than the gravity on the Earth.3. The principle of gravity was discovered by Sir Isaac newton.4.Gravity keeps anything from going up.5.Weight is the same as mass.6. The greater the distance between two objects, the more the gravitationalattraction.7. All objects in the Universe have gravity.8. Earth's gravity is always pulling as toward the center of the Earth.9. The larger an object's mass, the more gravity it will have.10.The strength of a gravitational force depends on the mass of object.11. The lesser the mass of an object, the greater the pull of gravity on it.12.The farther you get from the earth , the less you are affected by itsgravity.