Directions: Select the letter with the best answer that will identify the type of
hazard/accident in the workplace. Write the letter and words on your answer sheet
A Protecting your property from fire
B. Protecting your property from natural hazards:
C Protecting your property from crime:
D. Protecting your staff and visitors from accidents
E. Legislation that may affect your business
1. Cooking ranges, boilers and deep-fat fryers without fitted thermostats or emergency
cutoff valves to turn ofl.
2. Non-visual inspeetions of all portable electrical items and electrical wiring.
3. Prepare a flood plan for your business
4. Consider putting shop-fronts with grilles or shutters to deter smash and grab raiders
3. Keeping the premises clean, tidy, congestion-free and well lit will go a long way to
preventing most of this type of accident
6. Do make aisles and passageways sufficiently wide for easy movement and keep clear
at all times.
7. Clear up spillage promptly and post warning notices.
8. Manufacturing and packaging standards should pass the regulatory board.
9. Only licensed electrical engineers should check and inspect electrical installations and
10. A food establishment should be in a free-flood area​

Sagot :


  1. cbCBCBqf.qft1tn4nrenbrrhhebrb