Directions: In each of the following examples, identify the sampling method being used. Write
your answers in the provided space before each item.
1. A sample of 2,000 was sought to estimate the average achievement in science of fifth
graders in a city's public schools. The average fifth grade enrollment in the city's
elementary schools is 100 students. Thus, 20 schools were randomly selected and within
each of those schools all fifth graders were tested.
2. A researcher is interested in maximum-security inmates. She groups inmates by the type of
crime committed, determines the percentage of the total in each crime category, and uses
that percentage to determine the number of inmates randomly selected from each group.
3. A researcher has a population of 100 third grade children from a local school district from
which a sample of 25 children is to be selected. Each child's name is put on a list, and
each child is assigned a number from 1 to 100. Then the numbers 1 to 100 are written on
separate pieces of paper and shuffled. Finally, the researcher picks 25 slips of paper and
the numbers on the paper determine the 25 participants.​