4. If laughter increases blood flow, which body system does it help?
a. nervous system
b. respiratory system c. excretory system d. circulatory system
5. Which word CANNOT be used to describe laughing?
a. rhythmic
b. voluntary
c. uncontrollable
d. functional
6. Which of the following facts about laughter would be helpful to a hardworking secretary at a busy
a. Laughter uses fifteen facial muscles.
b. Laughter keeps tension and stress away.
c. Laughter may help protect us from diseases.
d. Laughter brings out the 'feel good chemicals.
7. Which of the following is the best title for the selection?
a. Laughter is the answer.
b. Laughter is the best medicine.
c. Laughter is what sets humans apart.
d. Laughter affects the human condition.
8. Which of the following would be the most ideal place to spread the good el​